Sirohi Project by Delhi NCR Chapter

Sirohi is a village in Faridabad (Haryana), India that is located at a distance of 9 miles (15 KM) from its district main city and almost 25 miles (40 KM) from Delhi, India. The village currently has a population of approximately 3500 people and has 366 houses.

The inhabitants of this village are currently facing acute shortage of electricity in their community, which is not only hampering the quality of their lives but also forcing them to stay indoors after dark. Also, the smoke emission of kerosene lamps and inadequate light through wax candles contribute to environmental hazard and health risks, safety concerns, impact on children education, and economic deprivation.

The Solar Electrification Project at Sirohi is a collaborative initiative between Engineers Without Borders (India), Bechtel Corporation, Students at National Training and Power Institute and Skilled Samaritan Foundation. The project will be conducted in 3 phases over a period of 6 Months.Fulfilling household lighting needs of Sirohi villageFulfilling household lighting needs of Sirohi villageFulfilling household lighting needs of Sirohi village

The Project
EWB India Delhi/NCR Chapter (the professional chapter managed by Bechtel India Pvt. Ltd.) evaluated the need assessment prepared by the NPTI Student Chapter and Skilled Samaritan, which proposed installation of 2 Solar Powered LEDs in each household. After techno-commercial evaluation of available options (Centralized vs. Standalone) through reputed vendors, it has been decided to install a standalone (individual) solar system manufactured by a reputed company in Indian market as per following details:

The installation of this product has been be done in all houses of the village in 3 phases.

The project was undertaken in 3 phases, leading to covering the entire community.